Our Painting Process
Exterior Painting
- Color selections will be provided to home owner or authorized agent and color samples provided if necessary
- All surfaces to be painted will be thoroughly pressure washed and if necessary be treated for fungus growth (mildew). Any areas excluded will be dealt with on an individual basis. Under normal conditions (weather permitting and surface conditions) a minimum of 24 hours of drying time is required prior to preparation of surfaces.
- Personal property around project will be properly protected and/or removed from area. All shrubs, trees, and misc. flower gardens will be protected to the best of our ability.
- Any needed repairs will be specified in the contract on an individual basis i.e. glass replaced, damaged-siding/gutters/corner board, etc.
- Remove and replace storm windows if requested.
- Standard preparation work will include, but not limited to; renail loose siding, any loose caulking will be removed and recaulked, replace loose or missing glaze in windows, any open gaps on body surface will be filled with new caulking, scrape loose paint, sand edges for smooth appearance and prime coat all bare wood.
- All surfaces not being painted i.e. trees, shrubs, gardens, walkways, roof, etc will be properly covered in and around work area(s) prior to painting.
- Apply a top quality paint to surfaces per specifications.
- Upon completion of the project we will thoroughly clean the work area and remove all debris. We will visually inspect and insure the project is complete as outlined and ready for your approval.
- We request you look over the project, writing down any questions. We can then go over these with you and address them promptly. Your satisfaction is our number one priority.
Interior Paint Job
- Provide color selections to home owner or authorized agent upon request, color samples can also be provided.
- Remove, replace or protect window converings and rods,electrical switches and outlet cover plates, ceiling and wall light fixtures, etc. Remove all pictures, wall hangers, decorative peices, and personal items from walls/ceilings.
- Specify any needed repairs in the contract on an individual basis (Including major holes, damaged trim, doors, drywall, corner bead, ect.)
- Remove and replace furniture if requested.
- Properly cover all surfaces not being painted (floors, carpets, business equitment, woodwork, non-removable personal items, etc.) in and around work area(s) including entrance and exits to area(s) being painted.
- Standard preparation work includes, but is not limited to: fill and sand small holes, repair any minor surface damage, and caulk cracks and re-texure if necessary.
- Seal coat any stained surfaces (water, pen marks, smoke damage, soot, etc.) and repaired areas prior to painting.
- Apply a top quality paint to surfaces per specifications.
- Any delays or concerns regarding your project will be discussed with you prior and addressed promptly.
- Upon completion of the project we thoroughly clean up and remove all project debris. We visually inspect and insure the project is complete as outlined and ready for your approval.
- We request you look over the project. Write down any questions. We will go over these with you addressing them promptly. Your satisfaction is our #1 priority!